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This course aims at enabling students read, think, and write theologically. Emphasis is placed on writing academic theological papers well. After introducing the students to the necessity of writing theology in its own contexts, the course will discuss how to write theological reflection, theological arguments, critical and constructive theological essays, book reviews, and biblical and theological research paper well. In addition, writing with theological imagination, and rewriting and revising theology will also be covered.  

The study of the history and teachings of the living religions on the purpose of developing contextualized missionary approaches to these living faiths in the world.


The course aims at providing students with an understanding of basic English grammar
in order that they would be able to develop the skills to express themselves, and analyze and describe authentic. modern English discourse. The course also seeks to become aware of some common errors in English grammar usage and the ways to overcome the problems.

The course introduces the basic features of Microsoft Office, Window operating system, and file management. It covers Window 11, Word, and PowerPoint. 

An introduction to basic interpersonal and pastoral care skills. This course aims at equipping students with the skills to identify basic human problems and appropriately respond through pastoral care and counseling. It intends to help the student to welcome the presence of God in pastoral care and counseling and develop Christian care and counseling skills through reflections on readings, class discussions, and verbatim reports.

Supervised Ministry Program 1(SMP1) Spiritual Formation and Devotional Bible Reading covers two areas, namely, ministry involvement and devotional Bible reading. Quiet time with through reading, meditating, and praying the Bible is the focused of this course. It will include lectio divina and keeping a spiritual journal.

Course categories
